Tokyo Art Office is an art consultancy firm inspiring a new generation of art collectors.
Founded on gaining trust, balancing vision, and building lasting relationships, the agency’s work extends across a range of industries.
With locations in London and Tokyo, TAO specializes in art advisory, liaisons, and VIP relations for an international network of private collectors. The agency offers curatorial services for exhibitions and creative projects, commissioning works and sourcing sponsorship opportunities for distinguished artists. While always bringing ideas and people together for a good cause, Tokyo Art Office helps to see the bigger picture by offering consulting services for startups, fundraising, sponsorship deals and more.
Amazing clients have allowed us to collaborate on special projects.

Current Exhibition
Tomo Campbell From Now On
May 6 – June 4, 2022
Location: 68 Lok Ku Road, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong
The title of the show is ‘from now on’ I like to think of things in terms of cycles, one thing becoming another and back again.
The ‘From’ represents the past, ‘the Now’ the present and ‘on’ being the towards the future
The paintings themselves are propelled by their own momemtum, one painting creating the start point of the next and so on. The exhibition is one big body of work that over laps, repeats and echos around itself.
This sense of ongoing movement or things shifting is really important to me. Things being on the edge of either appearing or disappearing. I like to play with different senses of space at once in a painting. A background that could also read as foreground, an edge that could also be a line, a negative space that could read as a form. This kind of flickering back and forth between painting, eye and mind, from one sense of space to another, creates a rhythm of flickering vibration, between subject and form, painter and viewer, clarity and confusion.
When all these elements combine successfully they hopefully create a painting that requires a second look, and on second sight isn’t emptied
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